Friday, June 4, 2010

Essential 2 Vivacious

Essential 2

Great speakers are full of animation and spirit; lively, fun loving, humorous and happy among others.

You must have heard of stress knots. They tend to appear around the neck and back and cause a lot in physical stress and mental stress. You cannot be a great influencer of your thoughts if you have developed constrictions. Imagine you are trying to be fluid but you’ve got yourself all constricted like a thermometer. Or for that matter you approach a red traffic signal and the moment it turns green; every vehicle at the front want to squeeze through before the others. It forms a bottle neck and you can’t pass by as easily as you would have if you’d each given enough space to pass. Similarly speaking to influence and to achieve your objective or goal is necessary to be in a fun, humorous and happy state. You cannot positively affect your customer, client and or audience if you are all tight and choked like a bottle neck.

Now, step back and think about the fun side of your presentation. Don’t take it so seriously; instead, find the lighter side. Find those widgets and lines that bring humor and happiness to your customer, client and or audience. Try adding some mild humor to your presentation (in good taste, of course and do not get excessive as you may offend or be wrongly taken to task by your audience). Slightly self-deprecating humor is okay, too. However not too much that you subtly begin portraying inability and incompetence. It’s good to show that you can laugh at yourself. For example, in a larger audience you can ask, “How many of you really want to be here this morning?” (This works best if it’s a beautiful day outside.) If only a few people raise their hands, you can say, “I see I have my work cut out for me.” If most people raise their hands, you can say, “And I thought this was going to be difficult!”

Remember a merry heart is very like a medicine and when you feel this, it reflects in the way you present yourself and most importantly in the way you speak to achieve. Great speakers always have an essence of fun and humor in the way they get their message across. Imagine someone with a long face comes to you when you’re having a good day. Well, he’s going to make it bad for you and if you’re anyway in a not so good mood. He’s going to make it worse, might even make it terrible.

Even in the most serious of times, there’s only humor and a light heart that is going to get you out of your situations. This is what Churchill said to a lady parliamentarian during the session in parliament immediately after world war two when Britain suffered a terrible economic slowdown and inflation and all things were apparently not going too well for the Prime Minister. The lady said “Mr. Churchill, if you were my husband. I would have poisoned your morning tea”. To this Churchill replied with a smile. “If I were your husband, that tea would have been the first thing I would have loved to have drunk”.

The Qualities in a vivacious person can be quite easily observed, he is animated and full of life, he’s spirited and bubbly and never one to complain and tom-tom any problem (opportunity). In fact he’ll right on the heels of what is to be done and is about doing it with the life and spirit one could look for.

Some of the qualities that’ll describe you as a vivacious person:-

  • Spirited
  • Lively
  • Animated,
  • Bubbly
  • Active
  • Happy

Go there and make your customer, client and or audience spirited and animated with your speech and presentation and tell its okay to pack up for the moon and they get ready to do so.

Remember: Enjoy what you want to say, add a dash of humor and pack it in a bag of happiness. Tie it with life and anoint it with some good spirit.

David C Linus

Principal Trainer and CEO
ICSPS (Institute for Communication Skills and Public Speaking)
Mobile: 91-99537 84981 | Office:011-45685428  

Executive Excellence Certificate Program
Dwarka | Noida | West Delhi | Central Delhi | Faridabad | Gurgaon

Executive Excellence Certificate Program (Intensive) is a highly intense and integrated communication skills and public speaking program with voice skills and presentation skills as a parallel focus.

The EECP is divided into three types of delivery sessions –
1)       EECP (Weekend 2 days) between 8AM - 4PM  For Rs. 4500.00
Dates – 5 & 6 June, 12 & 13 June, 19 & 20 June, 26 & 27 June and 3 & 4 July
2)       EECP (Standard 5 days) between 8AM - 2PM  For Rs. 8000.00
Dates – 31 May – 4 June, 7 June – 18 June, 21 June – 9 July and 12 July – 6 August 

3)       EECP (Evening 5 days) between 4PM - 8PM  For Rs. 6500.00
Dates - 31 May – 4 June, 7 June – 18 June, 21 June – 9 July and 12 July – 6 August 

Call - Mobile: 91-99537 84981 | Office:011-45685428  

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